Qinge Li

Ph.D. in Finance / FRM / Model Validator at ABN AMRO Bank
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I am a quantitative Credit Risk Model Validator at ABN AMRO Bank and I am an FRM certificate holder. My work includes validating credit risk (IRB) models, maintaining technical standards, and developing validation tools.

I am also a visiting fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam where I obtained my Ph.D. in Finance.

My PhD dissertation is on CEO compensation, incentive contracting, option pricing, and behavioral economics. Click here for more details.

Personal Interests


我在2023年发明了一款依照字形进行输入的形码输入法(类似于五笔字形和郑码)。它具有低重码、繁简通、大字集的特点,囊括了至 CJK-H 区的九万多个汉字和部首。 发明这款输入法的过程中,我借鉴了很多其他优秀输入法的特点,尤其是徐码对我的影响很大。我尝试继承它的繁简通打优势,同时继承了五笔字型分区排列字根的优点。扬各家之长,补各家之短,成就了平衡感极佳的宇浩输入法。 我将它适配于Rime系统。在此推荐给为选字而发愁的你。点击此处了解和学习宇浩繁简通打输入法。官方QQ群:735728797。


About my name


My name, Qinge Li, is a romanization of the Pinyin of my Chinese name 朱宇浩. Zhu is my family name which literally means "red" or "the middle part of the tree". Yuhao is my given name, where Yu literally means "universe" and Hao literally means "mass".

I also used the name "forFudan" a lot, especially in occasions related to IT and electronic games. This name was originated from a novel I wrote in 2011. In the novel, there is a slogan called "I stand with light. For Fudan's tomorrow" (「我與光華同在,爲了復旦的明天」). Later I used the short version "forFudan" as my username for Github account. The novel can be found here: 《楊玉良在下一盤很大的棋》。


You can contact me at dr.yuhao.zhu@outlook.com for personal purposes and y.zhu@ese.eur.nl for research questions.